Hidden Benefits of Basil Seeds
Basil seeds have gained quite a lot of attention these days; I have read tons of blogs on these seeds and their incredible health benefits. There are several blogs on this topic already on the internet but what makes this post worth reading is the undocumented health and beauty benefits that Basil Seeds are bestowed with.
You must have read about the similarity between Basil and Chia Seeds and the nutrition facts about them. Usually, Chia seeds take nearly an hour to swell into a plump translucent form while Basil seeds attain the same within 10 to 15 minutes. Both these seeds can replace each other without any change in the nutrition factors at all. Now, the point of writing this post is to serve my audience with ‘Whats so new with these seeds?’. I have been trying some facial masks and hair masks with different ingredients at home, but Basil seeds have impressed me with something...